About the Course
Discovering The Pure Land of Lamrim
Guided Meditation Retreat with Kadampa Teacher Dianna Lau
2 – 18 January 2025
During the retreat we will gain some heartfelt experience and insight of the profound, common teachings of Buddha presented in the extraordinary book, The Mirror of Dharma with Additions, by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. Through gaining authentic experience of how to solve our daily problems of attachment, anger and Ignorance, we can develop genuine mental peace and joy, discovering the pure land of Lamrim for yourself.
This is a special opportunity to train in Kadampa Buddhist meditations, a perfect preparation for effective Tantric practice.
Prayer will be chanted in English.
It will be conducted in Cantonese with English translation upon request. If you would like to attend any sessions, please kindly send email to info@meditation.hk by 31 December.
Abiding in the Pure Land of Keajra
Guided Meditation Retreat with Kelsang Dachog
19 – 25 January 2025
It is said in the Condensed Root Tantra of Heruka that the benefits to be gained from engaging in the practice of Vajrayogini are limitless and that a thousand voices could never fully enumerate them.
This retreat is a precious opportunity to become more familiar with the practice of self-generation as Buddha Vajrayogini through emphasizing developing concentration on the yogas of generation stage in our retreat sessions. By receiving these profound teachings and gaining experience with the eleven yogas of Vajrayogini, we can ready ourselves to rapid progress on the quick path to enlightenment.
This retreat is only suitable for those who have Highest Yoga Tantra empowerments of Heruka and Vajrayogini.
Prayer will be chanted in English.
It will be conducted in Cantonese with English translation upon request. If you would like to attend any sessions, please kindly send email to info@meditation.hk by 15 January.
Retreat Commentary with Kadampa Teacher Dianna Lau
7:30pm – 9:00pm on 23 December 2024
Commentary teaching in Cantonese with English translation.
Commentary Enrolment Deadline: 22 December (Sunday)
Donation is appreciated.
All donations are used to run the Centre and flourish the precious teachings of Buddha.