Limitless Mind: Clarity of the Mind
One Day Silent Retreat with Gen Tonglam

Meditations will be guided in English.


Switch off your phone and take a break from your daily activities, gain a taste of retreat by spending a day in this blessed environment in the heart of the city.

Your mind is peaceful, expansive and unbounded by nature. By exploring your own mind in meditation, you can experience not only deeper and deeper levels of peace and contentment, but you can also begin to discover your infinite, unbounded spiritual potential.

Within your mind there is a tremendous creative power, and through learning to tap into the clarity of consciousness itself, we can harness that power and gain control over our own thoughts and feelings. In this day retreat we will learn how this meditation can truly reveal that the key to lasting happiness exists within you.

Everyone is welcome!


11.30 am – 12.30 pm Teaching
2.00pm – 2.45pm Session 1
3.15pm – 4.00pm Session 2
4.30pm – 5.30pm Session 3 + Q&A session

Conducted in English. 

Date : 2 March (Sunday)
Date : 11:30am – 5:30pm
Retreat Fee: $220
Booking Deadline : 1 March (Saturday)

Please note : Kadampa Meditation Centre Hong Kong reserves the right to carry out photography and filming during classes and events for future promotion and record purpose.

All course fees are used to run and develop the Centre and spread Buddha’s precious teachings.