Evening Meditation Course with Gen Tonglam
Introduction to Tantra
Tuesdays 7.30pm – 9.00pm

No booking required. Everyone welcome!

Although Tantra is popular, not many people understand its real meaning. In the Tantric teachings Buddha explained how to transform our ordinary self into a pure self. Tantric meditations are methods that harness the power of our imagination and wisdom and bring about swift internal positive transformation and deep inner peace.

Join us for an Introduction to extraordinary teachings and practices within the context of Tantra in Buddhism. Gain a deeper understanding of Tantra’s unique spiritual growth and liberation approach.

11/6 Imagine Complete Purity
18/6 The Power of Wisdom Imagination
2/7 Introduction to Buddhist Tantric Meditation

Teachings in English.

Donation is appreciated. Suggested Donation : HK $50 – $100 each class.

All donations are used to run the Centre and flourish the precious teachings of Buddha.