The Heart Sutra
Teachings and Silent Meditation Retreat With Gen Kelsang Tonglam
This popular event includes 4 weekly teachings followed by a silent meditation retreat starting in August.

In the Heart Sutra, Buddha shares with us the path to the supreme peace of nirvana – these are the teachings from his heart. Buddha wants nothing more than for us to reach an unshakeable inner peace and it is through the realization of emptiness that we will attain this experience.

You can choose to attend Part 1 only, but to reap the most benefits, we recommend you to attend both Part 1 and Part 2.

Part 1Teachings 

Kadampa Meditation Centre HK
English classes on Tuesdays
7:30pm – 9:15pm

27/8 What is emptiness?
3/9 How to meditate on emptiness?
10/9 How to live in a world of illusion?
24/9 How to immerse ourself in emptiness? + Q&A session & retreat talk

* Fee: $300 for 4 classes or $80 per class (KMC HK’s Teacher Training Programme / Foundation Programme students – $150 for 4 classes). If you later choose to attend the retreat, this course fee will be deducted from the retreat fee.


On line booking has been closed, if you would like to book please send email to .

Part 2 – Silent Meditation Retreat

Kadoorie Centre of the University of Hong Kong, Yuen Long
Either 6 days (27 Sept evening – 2 Oct noon) or 3 days (27 Sept evening – 29 Sept noon)

During the retreat, we have a precious opportunity to deepen our experience on the profound meditations on Emptiness and, most importantly, to have a real nice time enjoying a silent, concentrated, peaceful and happy mind.

All meditations will be guided in Cantonese with English translation.

Accommodation and Fees (per person)

6- Day (27/9 – 2/10) Double / Twin Room with bathroom (please find your own roommate) $4,900
Triple Room with bathroom (please find your own roommates) $4,300
Triple Room with bathroom (no need to find roommates) $3,900
6-8 dormitory $3,400
6-8 dormitory (KMC HK’s TTP/FP students) $3,100
3- Day (27 – 29/9) Double / Twin Room with bathroom (please find your own roommate) $2,700
Triple Room with bathroom (please find your own roommates) $2,200
6-8 dormitory $1,700

Please note:

  1. Early booking is essential if you prefer to stay in twin/double or triple room. Priority will be given to those who registered for the whole 6-day retreat.
  2. Please provide the name of your roommate(s) when booking (if applicable).
  3. Each participant has to do an individual online booking. You will be contacted within a week regarding payment method and you will receive a confirmation email upon full payment.
  4. Retreat fee already included the course fee.

6:00pm on Friday 27 Sept – Kowloon Tong to Kadoorie Centre
1:30pm on Sunday 29 Sept – Kadoorie Centre to Kowloon Tong
1:30pm on Wednesday 2 Oct – Kadoorie Centre to Kowloon Tong

Retreat booking deadline: 23 Sept (Monday)

Please note : Kadampa Meditation Centre Hong Kong reserves the right to carry out photography and filming during classes and events for future promotion and record purpose.


On line booking has been closed, if you would like to book please send email to .

All fees are used to run the Centre and flourish the precious teachings of Buddha.