Post Asian Festival Retreat with Visiting Teacher Gen Kelsang Rabka
19 – 20 December at KMC Hong Kong
Everyone welcome!

Following the Asian Festival, Gen Rabka will guide this meditation retreat based on the teachings and commentaries given by Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang. It is a wonderful opportunity to deepen our understanding of the practice of the Buddhist way of loving kindness and to immerse ourself into the stages of meditations on love.

This special event is for everyone, including those who have not attended the Asian Festival.

Teaching in English with Cantonese and Mandarin translation.


19 December (Tuesday) 10:00am – 11:15am 1st session
12:00pm – 1:15pm 2nd session
3:00pm – 4:15pm 3rd session
20 December (Wednesday) 10:00am – 11:15am 4th session
12:00pm – 1:15pm 5th session
3:00pm – 4:15pm 6th session

Date: 19 – 20 December 2023
Fee: HK$300
Booking Deadline : 18 December (Monday)

On line booking has been closed, if you would like to book please send email to .

People living overseas can participate online. Please note that the video only provides English and Cantonese translation options, and the video can only be viewed during the time of the sessions and there is no replay.

On line booking has been closed, if you would like to book please send email to .

All course fees are used to run and develop the Centre and spread Buddha’s precious teachings.